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Participate in upcoming webinars and collect additional CE credits when available.

Your membership with PCMA can put you on the right track to take your career to the next level. The information in this orientation program will help you to get started on your journey. PCMA is your gateway to the industry’s most relevant, cutting-edge information and knowledgeable leaders. So let’s ...
New Member Orientation (Q4 2024)

Latest Updates & Convening EMEA Exclusive During this online gathering, we shared latest news and updates from the EMEA region with a focus on Convening EMEA in Barcelona from 30th September – 2nd October. Slides can be downloaded from here ...
PCMA EMEA Meet-Up August 2024: Latest Updates & Convening EMEA Exclusive

What's AI doing in events? PCMA offers an insightful webinar presented in collaboration with the Korea MICE Association. The event featured a panel of three experienced organisers who have begun exploring the integration of AI in events. The webinar was an opportunity to understand how AI revolutionizes event planning and ...
APAC Webinar: What’s AI Doing in Events?
Clock Hours:

Extreme weather events, protests, shooting, cyber attacks, and other natural or human-made disasters are now a fact of life for event professionals. Knowing how to mitigate, prepare for and respond to crises is an evolving challenge, but also an opportunity to shine as a trusted advisor. Hear from our expert ...
Webinar: What to Do When Things Go Wrong: Crisis Management, Security, & Risk Mitigation Insights from Disaster Experts
Clock Hours:

Join us for an empowering webinar designed specifically for emerging event professionals. Equip yourself with the tools and guidance you need to excel in your career through: - Practical advice from fellow next gen professionals - Strategies, resources, and solutions for event professional success - Burning questions answered in our ...
Webinar: Pathways to Success: Insights & Guidance for Next Gen Events Professionals
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Unlock the secrets of making events "accessible for every body"! Moderated by Joshua Klipp, Principal, Founder & Certified Access Specialist at Made Welcome, and featuring a panel of industry experts, this eye-opening discussion dives into the urgent need for accessibility in digital and in-person business events. Join this new webinar, ...
Webinar: The How and Why of Accessible Events: Case Studies from the Field
Clock Hours:

Learn how a membership with PCMA can put you on the right track to take your career to the next level. The information in this webinar will highlight the different opportunities available to you when you join our community. We will go over how to take full advantage of all ...
Webinar: Why You Should Join PCMA

En este webinar Alejandro Marval, Content & Digital Creator en Square Root Marketing, explica el concepto de Social Selling, visión evolutiva de las redes sociales para 2024, cómo optimizar la arquitectura de LinkedIn y cómo generar contenido de alto impacto ...
Social Selling: De Usuario a Líder Digital

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being developed at an extraordinary pace. How practical are AI solutions for event managers, producers, and marketers? Join Nick Borelli, Marketing Director at Zenus, as he walks through numerous practical applications for AI in events that are already boosting productivity for early adopters. Grab a front ...
Webinar: 8 Practical Gen AI Use Cases for Events
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What do digital events look like in 2024? Despite the consolidation of digital event platforms, industry leaders are winning big with well-designed, well-executed online extensions of their in-person events. Not because they have to, but because they want to. Join digital event expert Joshua Butler to understand the new realities ...
Webinar: Beyond the Live Stream: How Industry Leaders are Captivating Online Audiences in 2024-25
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Webinar: Making the Most of your PCMA Membership

Explore the transformative power of AI in the business events industry in this month’s webinar. Discover how AI optimizes event planning, enhances attendee experiences, and drives meaningful engagement, revolutionizing every aspect of event management ...
Webinar: Turbocharge Your Event Planning with AI – May 16, 2024
Clock Hours:

During this digital gathering, we shared a reminder on how to activate your EMA profile, the variety of EMA Member Benefits available to the EMA membership since joining the PCMA community and the findings of the annual EMEA Engagement Survey ...
Webinar: Path Forward in Sustainability – 25th April 2024

Latest Updates & Engagement Survey Findings During this digital gathering, we shared latest news and updates from the EMEA region as well as findings of the annual EMEA Engagement Survey and dove into AI best practices with small group conversations. DOWNLOAD MATERIALS BELOW Presentation is available to download here and ...
PCMA EMEA Meet-Up February 2024: Latest Updates & Engagement Survey Findings

In an era marked by exclusionary legislation and outrageous acts of violence, your commitment to creating safe, inclusive events has never been more critical. But, lately that’s getting harder and harder, isn’t it? The far-reaching consequences of mass social trauma, stemming from incidents like shootings, protests, and political injustice can ...
Webinar: Navigating Mass Social Trauma at Events
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¿Te has preguntado alguna vez por qué un gran seductor y un vendedor excepcional tienen un éxito tan impactante en sus respectivos campos? ...
¿Que tiene en comun un gran seductor y un gran vendedor?

Join us for an insightful discussion on how Interprefy is transforming the world of localization at global events and conferences. Our industry experts will share the latest trends around the use of AI speech-to-speech translation and how Interprefy is leading the way in providing reliable and high-quality language solutions to ...
Webinar: Event technology showcase – How Interprefy is leading the way in localization for live events
Clock Hours:

Your membership with PCMA can put you on the right track to take your career to the next level. The information in this orientation program will help you to get started on your journey. PCMA is your gateway to the industry’s most relevant, cutting-edge information and knowledgeable leaders. So let’s ...
New Member Orientation (Q3 2023)

How are these AI tools going to help you in your events? “Unlocking the Power of AI for Events” webinar will unravel what cutting-edge AI tech and tools are all about, and introduce you to terms like “GPT” and “LLM” (and what it really means) ...
Webinar: PCMA EMEA Meet-Up August 2023: Latest News & Unlocking the Power of AI for Events

Get Stuff Done with PCMA’s AI Tool, Project SPARK Project SPARK - the AI tool for Eventprofs, by Eventprofs, is a once in a generation opportunity for the business events industry to understand and define how a disruptive technology will shape our chosen profession — the business events industry. Join ...
APAC Webinar – Demo of Project SPARK: The AI Tool for Eventprofs, by Eventprofs

¿Las Inteligencia Artificial puede cambiar la forma de competir en nuestros mercados?, ¿Es la inteligencia Artificial una amenaza para nuestra industria? ...
La Inteligencia Artificial no es una amenaza, el competidor que la aproveche sí lo será

This session will provide valuable insights from industry experts to support event strategists and destinations as they partner to maximize risk mitigation, promote effective decision-making, and negotiate favorable terms for future events ...
Transparency in Contracting: Navigating the Destination Booking Agreement (DBA)
Clock Hours:

This session will explore how these extensions increase revenue potential, turn audiences into advocates, and create the buzz that fuels growth ...
Achieving Win-Win Scenarios for All Interested Parties – Rethinking Sponsorship Sales
Clock Hours:

This session will unpack real-world case studied of how organizations reimagined their signature events to meet the new needs of their audience ...
Reinventing Your Signature Event: Lessons Learned from the Field
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