Ascent Webinar: In Need of a Change: Understanding Perspectives to Lead

Through meetings and events, we are always striving to include as many different perspectives as we can to expand our education and satisfy our audiences. With the industry growing throughout the years and perspectives differing per generation, how do we expect everyone to open their minds and possibly shift their mindset?

Webinar: Keeping Everyone Safe When We Return To Face-to-Face

Our panel of experts is here to answer the top questions about what the return to events will look like in order to keep everyone involved safe according the research their organizations have done, as well as standards planners should look out for when deciding on their next meeting venue.

Webinar: Help Your Speakers Present with Impact

Hear from Gabrielle Dolan on how to avoid common mistakes when it comes to presenting virtually. Discover tips and methods to help your speaker make that transition and present with impact online.

Webinar: Tools to Enhance Your Speaker’s Engagement

Speakers that previously only worked in face-to-face environments have now been thrown into the digital meetings world without warning. Techniques they may have employed on the stage, can be hard to replicate through a video presentation. This session will include various tactics that can be implemented immediately to encourage presentations to evolve as everyone gets more comfortable with the online venue.

Webinar: Find the Right Resources For Your Business Continuity Network

Freelance networks are great way for companies to resource their events on an as needed basis and to leverage experts with the specific expertise, skills, and strengths needed to navigate through change. At this same time, these networks provide a soft landing pad for displaced employees to access community, education, and work opportunities as they figure out what is next for their career.

Webinar: Evaluating Your Meetings Portfolio to Go Digital

Webinar: Evaluating Your Meetings Portfolio to Go Digital

While we’re starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel, we need to shift our focus to the future of digital strategies. In this webinar, we’ll discuss best practices in assessing what types of events and meetings translate easily to a digital format and what a digital event implementation looks like through 2021.

Webinar: Get Creative with Restrictions to Meet Differently

The return to face-to-face events is in sight, but they will never be the same. Our panel of experts will tackle questions about how the industry is working together as a whole to provide clean and safe environments for event participants.

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