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Business event strategists and suppliers have massive potential to drive changes that increase revenue, decrease risk and contain costs for their organization. It comes down to being familiar with business challenges and applying innovative thinking to create more value and growth ...
Innovate Your Business Model to Achieve Growth
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The College of Extraordinary Experiences “is a designed experience journey that aims to equip participants with the mindset, insights, and network to step in the Experience Economy and design something truly extraordinary.” University professors, retailers, game developers, filmmakers, artists, storytellers, marketing agencies, and event planners all have participated in the ...
Secrets To Crafting Extraordinary Experiences
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The Berlin-based Falling Walls exemplifies this notion of creating a forward-looking international community and an atmosphere that encourages participants to join in tackling the “next walls to fall”. You'll take away lessons from this unique conference on how to create experiences that inspire meaningful exchange and enable breakthroughs in any ...
Build Ground-breaking Communities with Behavior-Changing Experiences
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Most companies fiercely guard their data facing the challenge of keeping it secure and compliant with privacy laws all alone. Cutting-edge industries are embracing blockchain technology as a way to optimize and safeguard their data across shared networks. Blockchain evangelist Sam Radocchia will share how this has transformed the business ...
Increase Data Privacy & Elevate Experiences with Blockchain
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Two remarkable people will tell their stories of grit and resilience, proving that life experiences can uniquely position all of us to change the world for the better. The pair will be interviewed by Main Stage facilitator Holly Ransom ...
Main Stage | Transforming Experiences Into a Positive Force for Change
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The Events Industry Council and Oxford Economics reported meetings, conventions, and trade shows collectively contributed $845 billion in business sales and $104 billion in federal, state, and local taxes to the U.S. economy in 2016. The power of the industry is clear, but evaluating the contribution of an individual event ...
Beyond the Spend: Does Your Event’s Economic Impact Matter?
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We are living in a time when it is harder to earn trust than ever before. People skip ads, doubt brands, and disagree on what the “facts” actually are. So what does it take to build trust during this believability crisis? Rohit Bhargava will reveal the five fundamental secrets to ...
The Believability Crisis – How to Build Trust and Stand Out
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In this TV binge era, it’s not hard to imagine providing an abundance of content from your annual events that your followers could devour in one sitting, one “episode” after another. This session will explore how you can strategically bundle the content you already own into a binge-worthy block your ...
How to Design Events Worth Binge-Watching
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When it comes to diversity and inclusion, we all have a seat at the table to make a difference in creating inclusive cultures that empower everyone. Join us for this dynamic roundtable conversation where inclusion strategists from various perspectives explore key issues, challenges, and opportunities to advance our organizations and ...
Thought Leadership Conversation: Creating Opportunities for Inclusive Cultures
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It takes a radical new approach, and a certain amount of risk, to stand out from the crowd. In this session, we’ll examine companies that are doing things differently and explore common elements you can employ to do the same for better business outcomes. With smart strategy, radical innovation can ...
Improve Your Results with Radical New Strategy
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People are the heart and soul of every organization. Discover how to get the most out of your teams and give them the most in return. You’ll walk away with game-changing ideas and tips that will motivate you to listen carefully, trust respectfully, and praise authentically. With these new skills, ...
Lifting People Up: The Power of Recognition
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Having a crisis action plan to help your event management team address a sudden, significant, and negative situation is not only a recommended best practice, it’s essential for your employees, participants, reputation, finances, and peace of mind. But a blueprint for managing a crisis is just that — until you ...
How To Improve Your Action Plan Once You Experience A Crisis
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More often than not at hybrid meetings, an invisible line divides physical attendees from online participants. What can digital event strategists do to unite the different types of audiences to enhance all their experiences? In this session, we’ll venture into marketing and engagement platforms that can help you create a ...
Mixed Marketing: Create Winning Campaigns with Physical-Digital Combo
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It’s a high-risk world out there. Just when you think you’ve planned for every hazard and reduced your organization’s exposure to every liability, something happens. This session will introduce you to some of the latest dangers associated with events and walk you through the considerations for a large scale, high ...
What Would You Do? Managing Risk In A Complex World
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Today’s prospective attendees are much different than they were a decade ago. They’re digital, discerning, and demanding. If you don’t offer them the right message at the right time on the right channel, they may ignore you. So what are the best tools and tactics to reach them, and when ...
Crafting An Event Marketing Plan That Today’s Attendees Will Respond To
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Meetings are not just about tables and chairs. They are about people. People have changed. How they work has changed. This session will explore what Marriott International, a global provider of business events, and PCMA, the world’s largest network of business events strategists, have identified as macro-trends that could change ...
PCMA and Marriott on the Future of Events
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Content can be a powerful tool for attracting registrants, engaging attendees, maximizing speaker value, adding value for event sponsors, and extending the impact of an event well beyond on-site activations? Learn the best times, topics, and tactics for creating and distributing content that engages attendees, sponsors, speakers, and other key ...
Optimizing Your Event Content Strategy to Engage all Stakeholders
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New roadblocks are making it much more difficult for international attendees to travel to U.S. events. For example, regulations in the medical device industry now prohibit physician reimbursement to offset travel expenses. More stringent visa requirements and a general feeling of uncertainty among foreign travelers also have created challenges for ...
How to Handle Falling International Attendance at U.S. Events
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Negotiating a hotel or convention center contract with the most favorable terms for the organization is job one for a business event strategist. The property sales team, on the other hand, wants to get the best deal for the venue. In today’s climate of evolving market conditions and new risks, ...
Negotiating Beyond the Typical Venue Contract
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Having a dream team in your corner is essential for your success. Most of us are over mentored and under sponsored and lack the social currency needed to advance in our careers. In this session, Landit CEO Lisa Skeete Tatum will reveal the five types of advisors you should have ...
Why Everyone Needs a Personal Board of Directors
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Whether 50 or 500,000 people attend an event, the one thing everyone is sure to remember is their food experience. Not only is it important to impress your attendees, but to have food that energizes them for the day. Our health-inspired chefs will compete to provide a snack option that ...
Chef’s Competition: Recipe for Energized Attendees
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All business event strategists are marketers with the responsibility of creating connections, empathy, providing experiences and making a difference. Yet many organizations are stuck in outmoded approaches expecting different results. Marketing sage Seth Godin will reveal how to cut through the noise in our attention economy and initiate change that ...
Main Stage | You Can’t Be Seen Until You Learn to See
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For the first time in history, five generations are sharing the workplace. In this session, best-selling author Lindsey Pollak offers expert insights into these groups and their motivations, goals, and communication styles. You’ll learn how to turn their differences into a strategic advantage for you and your entire team ...
Leveraging Multi-generational Success: Best Practices for Your Team
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As creators of immersive experiences, business event strategists have the ability to change their attendees’ behaviors, driving them to action long after an event. Understanding how this happens empowers event organizers to incorporate stronger storytelling techniques within their events. This interactive session balances cognitive science with real-life examples to help ...
Using Neuroscience to Enrich Storytelling
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