New roadblocks are making it much more difficult for international attendees to travel to U.S. events. For example, regulations in the medical device industry now prohibit physician reimbursement to offset travel expenses. More stringent visa requirements and a general feeling of uncertainty among foreign travelers also have created challenges for event marketers. Learn from the chief revenue officer & the sr. director of meetings from the Heart Rhythm Society about how to address a downward trend in international attendance and revenue.
Learner Outcomes:
- Create a plan to hedge a potential downturn in attendance
- Deploy new tactics to increase international attendance
- Preserve revenue in the face of falling attendance numbers

- Duration: 1:00:00
- Date: 01/07/2019
- Speakers:
CMP Certification
- EIC Status: Designated
- CMP-IS Domain: CMP Submission Pending
- Clock Hours: 1