News & Trends

What’s happening — or coming up next — in the meetings and events world and beyond.

Nurturing Young Professionals at Events

How two major business events with cachet — TED and C2 Montréal — engage young professionals before, during, and after their on-site programs.

BY Michelle Russell August 4, 2017

How We’ll Meet

The German Convention Bureau’s Future Meeting Space is set to explore the human side of meetings.

BY Barbara Palmer July 31, 2017

Shopping on the Brain

The Shopper Brain Conference is here to solve the science behind shopping.

BY Casey Gale July 31, 2017

How Diversity + Collaboration = Innovation

Co-creating solutions has never been more important to both organizations and entire industries. And events can be a big part of that — provided they evolve from their top-down model.

BY Michelle Russell July 31, 2017

Behind the Scenes: Five of the Fastest-Growing Trade Shows

Convene TV hosts Carrie Ferenac and Kimberly Bottom unpack the secrets behind their success.

BY Convene Editors July 10, 2017

Five Trade Shows and How They Grew

Five trade shows in varied fields — healthcare, hotel design, marijuana cultivation, woodworking, and baseball coaching — share the secrets of their success.

July 3, 2017

Greenbuild Goes Global

With the demand for ecofriendly construction expected to double every three years, the world’s largest show dedicated to green buildings is about to get even bigger.

July 3, 2017

How Will Millennials Change Meetings?

Hint: It’s all about flexibility.

BY Jasmine Zhu July 3, 2017

Pass the Bot Joy!

Little pieces of art called Bots played a whimsical role in connecting attendees to each other and PCMA partners during PCMA’s Education Conference.

BY Michelle Russell June 27, 2017

Inside Convene’s 2017 Salary Survey

Convene TV hosts Carrie Ferenac and Kimberly Bottom discover surprising insights from this year’s results.

BY Convene Editors June 13, 2017

3 Takeaways From Freeman’s Global Brand Experience Study

Nearly 1,000 global marketers shared how live events fit in their overall strategy, shedding light on opportunities for growth and development in the industry.

BY Michelle Russell June 6, 2017

Is Your Job Killing You?

Are meeting professionals overworked? Overstressed? Overloaded? Overwhelmed? If you’re like the rest of the workforce across the U.S. and around the world — yes, a lot of you probably are.

BY Christopher Durso June 1, 2017

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