Power, Voice, & Choice: A Discussion of Self-Exploration & Equity

Webinar: Power, Voice, & Choice: A Discussion of Self-Exploration & Equity

Tanya Gibson the VP of JEDI & HR for BBBSA, explores how to build your awareness and equity "muscles" in this guided discussion about diversity, inclusion and impact. Become a better ally, advocate, and activist through self-discovery, honesty, and some hard truths....that will build you up without tearing you down.

Webinar: Find the Right Resources For Your Business Continuity Network

Freelance networks are great way for companies to resource their events on an as needed basis and to leverage experts with the specific expertise, skills, and strengths needed to navigate through change. At this same time, these networks provide a soft landing pad for displaced employees to access community, education, and work opportunities as they figure out what is next for their career.

Webinar: Moving Beyond Empathy through VR

Join Dr. Courtney Cogburn as she navigates through the 1000 Cut Journey project in what could potentially be the key transformational tool of the future.

Webinar: Leverage Digital Media to Build Your Brand

Experienced meeting and event professionals know having maximum impact on the bottom line of an organization means increasing revenue. Leveraging digital media is the fastest and often most effective way to do this both inside and outside the organization.

PCMA Membership Webinar

PCMA is your gateway to the industry’s most relevant, cutting-edge information and knowledgeable leaders. So let’s get you prepped and ready to take full advantage of all we offer!

Building Multicultural Teams

Pullman Tokyo Tamachi General Manager Darren Morrish says a diverse workforce is key to a business’ survival.

Why Talent Development is Crucial

‘Training is the only way we can grow to our fullest potential and truly be acknowledged for our work,’ says AccorHotels’ Kerry Healy.

People on the Move

Your colleagues are on the move, find out who is going where. PCMA People on the Move - Oct 30 2018

People on the Move

Your colleagues are on the move, find out who is going where. PCMA People on the Move - Oct 23 2018

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