Events From Every Angle
Why Event Planner Jobs Are Climate Jobs
Here are five ways for planners to embrace the “every job is a climate job” perspective to design more sustainable events and move the industry forward.
5 Strategies for High-Connection Events
As event organizers, it is no longer enough for us to create space and then stand back and let our attendees do the work of networking. We have to make it easy for them.
3 Events That Delivered Both Connection and Education
Striking the right balance of networking and education when designing your events isn’t impossible. Here’s how these events managed it.
How The Plastics Show Delivered Record Growth
More than 51,000 people attended The Plastics Show, which set new benchmarks for international and exhibitor participation while addressing sustainability.
The Tortured Event Planners Department
Remember, you bring more to the table than well-organized logistics. Events are a platform that can further goals and advance the industry you serve.
Designing Events for Synthesis
Your packed education program will leave participants feeling overwhelmed unless you provide opportunities for them to synthesize their experience. Here’s how.
5 Trends You Need to Focus on in 2024
Event professionals have an exciting opportunity to change how they do things. Don’t let this moment pass you by.
Time to Think Outside the Inbox
Email is a tried-and-true tactic for marketing events, but you may be missing opportunities to reach your audience if you’re relying too heavily on email to secure registrations.
10 Ways to up Your Event Planning Game
We find ourselves in a unique position — we can still explore new ideas, but the window of opportunity is closing fast.
5 Ways to Use AI to Help Spark Event Session Ideas
Artificial intelligence is the new power tool for events, but keep in mind its limitations — and be ready to verify and edit the information it gives you.
Creating Empathetic Events
Empathy in design is what takes audience experience to the next level.
Event Organizers Need Some New Measuring Sticks
Having changed so many things about how we design our events over the past three years — including fresh ways of delivering content, connecting communities, and new pricing models — it’s also time to take a new look at how we measure success.