PCMA EMEA April Meet-Up

PCMA EMEA April Meet-Up

A monthly virtual gathering for the PCMA EMEA community to share regional updates and make business connections. This event is open to the entire EMEA business events community.

Summary of GMID Debate – Pandemic Protocol: Is a Vaccine Passport a Solution for the Business Events Industry?

In celebration of Global Meetings Industry Day (8 April), PCMA hosted the first ever PCMA APAC and EMEA debate, attracting over 500 registrations from 57 countries. Moderated by Oscar Cerezales, Global Executive President Corporate Division, MCI Group, the big debate discussed the pros and cons of the potential introduction of a Vaccine Passport – would it be a game changer?

Partner in Focus: Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau

In 2020, PCMA and the Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) formed a partnership focusing on educating and upskilling MICE professionals in Thailand. In this Q&A with TCEB, we get an inside look at how the organisation is supporting the recovery of the region and why they invest in their people.

The Growth of Remote Interpretation

Interprefy experienced enormous growth in 2020, after a massive shift and demand towards remote interpretation services, where virtual events and business meetings needed to provide simultaneous (or real-time) language interpretation.

21 Takeaways from Convening Leaders 2021

That’s a wrap on Convening Leaders 2021! The APAC team had an incredible two days seeing members face-to-face at the PCMA Global Broadcast Center in Singapore, hearing from inspiring and driven speakers, and taking in the different perspectives of members from around the world. These are our 21 takeaways from Convening Leaders 2021.

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