Webinar: Proven Content Strategies to Boost Online Audience Engagement

Discover how one organization cracked the code to continuously grow their online audience (and revenue). In this webinar, Celess Tyrell, Director of Online Learning & Innovation at the American Nephrology Nurses Association (ANNA) reveals content tips and strategies your organization should execute.

Webinar: Update Your Sponsorship Model: A Strategic Approach to Live & Virtual Sponsorships

We’ve all been asked to make the leap to virtual events with unprecedented speed, and while virtual events can augment the reach of physical events including conferences, trade shows, and annual meetings how can you monetize these events. Part one of this two-part webinar will explore the strategies for generating revenue through sponsorships, partnership and other sales opportunities through virtual events. Meg Fasy will walk you through how to develop sales inventory that can be segmented and included into a number of different packages, which can then be sold to potential sponsors.

Webinar: 5G and Digital Events: Evolution or Revolution

What does the future hold for digital events when it comes to 5G adoption? Join us for this session where we will break down the impacts of 5G that will be seen, felt, and heard in the development of our digital events in 2020 and beyond.

Webinar – Keep the Conversation Flowing Into Your Next Event

Blended learning has been top of mind for hybrid event producers when it comes to the overall participant experience. In this webinar, we’ll examine an example of how using a specialty online platform in a creative way to further networking and session discussions beyond live event hours has shaped the attendee experience and exceeded expectations.

Webinar: Causing the Same Effect: Designing Sessions for Onsite and Online

There’s no such thing as designing for just one user experience these days. We now have to plan for the visual and audio experience, along with the engagement considering both the in-room and online participants. In this webinar, we’ll discuss factors to consider when developing not only the room set, but incorporating the specific content into the experience as well.

Webinar: Conquer the Fear: Transitioning Speakers From Face-to-Face to Virtual

In these unprecedented times, speakers are being asked to make the leap and present virtually. While some speakers are experienced on virtual platforms, for many this is a huge change, and therefore leads to discomfort. Keynote speaker Sara Ross is ready to share her arsenal of best practices and ways to make your speaker feel more comfortable presenting online. In the second half of this session, Tim Mathy of Speak Inc. will join the conversation and add his expertise to answer your questions on how to aide speakers in becoming the star of your virtual event.

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