Have you ever applied what you learned at a meeting or event that resulted positively in your organization, company or community? There are many people who have, which is why the meetings and events industry can have a significant impact on the world. Whether large or small, building impactful, change-agent events starts with a defined strategy, mission and purpose as well as incorporation of the five senses. This two-part series will explore how a public-private partnership built a series of symposiums to create demand for their research and strengthen their industry leadership.
Learning Objectives:
- Explore considerations in expanding the event’s format and location
- Examine how incorporating the five-senses yields better engagement
- Determine whether the objectives were met based on the goals

- Duration: 01:06:19
- Date: 02/15/2018
- Speaker:
CMP Certification
- EIC Status: Submitted
- CMP-IS Domain: G. Meeting or Event Design
- Clock Hours: 1.0