Get to know PCMA Member Laurie Fitzgerald, Senior Meeting Manager and Event Strategist, Allstate Insurance.
How has your career developed as a result of being a PCMA member? Highlight specific resources and benefits that have helped you achieve your goals.
Over the years, PCMA has offered so many different opportunities for personal and professional growth. Through my volunteerism, two specific activities come to mind – leading the first international Convening Leaders Annual Meeting in Toronto and participating on the PCMA Board of Directors. Both experiences provided me with the ability to develop my professional career and create lifelong friendships.
Why would you tell others it’s important to be involved in PCMA?
I believe that PCMA has the highest level of education and becoming involved in PCMA can not only help you create a career development path but it can allow you to help shape the organization and industry. To have a voice with others that are passionate about the industry can fill the soul.
What first led you to becoming involved with PCMA?
At the time, I worked in the association business and it was the right organization to become involved in. It was much more robust than other organizations for education and connections.
What do you like to do in your free time?
Travel to locations that are filled with history. I will never say no to a trip to London.