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promo on wall near women's restroom with sign saying "you gotta go" to Educon

Time to Audit Your Sponsor Offerings

A number of associations have found a lag between their annual convention attendance, which has recovered since the pandemic, and exhibit space sales, which have not. If your sponsorship menu and prospectus look similar to 2019, a refresh can help you seize this growth opportunity. 

streaming studio where business event is being filmed

Keeping Digital Events Relevant

Some event management students in professor's undergraduate class believe that virtual events are "outdated." PCMA's Catalyst Community offered their ideas on how he could dig deeper for more insight.

Convene’s Annual Salary Survey: How Well Are You Being Compensated?

In 2022, the results of Convene’s Annual Salary Survey indicated that while planners were commanding higher salaries on average than before COVID, they felt a greater sense of unrest. Help us understand how event organizers are being compensated — and therefore valued.

people trying foods at indoor market

Media Mixer + Makers

The PRSA Travel & Tourism 2023 Section Conference’s closing event venue gave participants a sense of the host destination’s past, while a pop-up makers market showcased its present diversity.

illustration of two people shaking hands while holding a thought bubble

The Future of Emotional AI for Events

How one AI company is sussing out the emotions behind decision-making — because that’s how most of our decisions, including whether or not to attend an event, are made.

man gesturing with hand while speaking on stage

How One Event Company Leveled Up Its Exhibitor Sales Strategy

At an ECEF session, the president of the Americas at Reed Exhibitions shared how the pandemic forced the company to change the way it provides value to exhibitors, which starts with its new approach to hiring and retaining sales talent.

bearded Andrew Lacanienta with long dark hair wearing a round hat

66 Ways to Think About Collaboration

In his new book Harnessing Serendipity, BizBash founder David Adler speaks to 66 accomplished creative individuals who offer philosophical and practical insights for event designers — like Andrew Lacanienta, who shares the five levels of experiences that should help shape events.

bearded man on stage speaking

A Fresh Crop of Exhibit Managers

The results of a recent survey among 1,500-plus exhibitors/sponsors presents a “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” to make brand-new exhibit managers fans of the events industry, said ECEF’s Sam Lippman, who offered additional insights about the state of the convention industry at his recent Exhibition & Convention Executives Forum (ECEF).

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