Forward Thinking

The Third-Most Stressful Job in the World

Before the pandemic, one could argue that jobs with life-and-death consequences were surely more stressful than planning an annual conference. But things have changed.

BY Dave Lutz, CMP March 6, 2023

4 Ideas to Consider When Making Main Stage Contingency Plans

As event professionals hope for a full return to in-person events amid continued uncertainties, having speakers agree to contingency plans is a wise move.

BY Dave Lutz, CMP January 27, 2023

3 Formats for the Next Generation of Panel Sessions

It’s time to bring back panels — but not in the same tired format. Here are three ideas to mix things up. 

BY Dave Lutz, CMP October 24, 2022

Making the Business Case for Attending Events

It’s going to take some time to build conference attendance and corporate travel budgets back to 2019 levels. As we progress through the recovery, conference organizers — now more than ever — must help potential attendees justify their in-person participation in the event.

BY Dave Lutz, CMP August 29, 2022

How to Deal With 7 Curveballs Thrown at Event Organizers

Planning large conferences has gotten even more complicated. The pandemic and the subsequent Great Resignation have greatly reduced the number of skilled workers in hospitality and related industries. Here are seven areas to take into consideration.

BY Dave Lutz, CMP July 27, 2022

4 Design Options That Can Amplify Conference Content

As live conferences return, event organizers need to make complex decisions about how to incorporate digital product extensions into their business model. Here’s a framework to consider.

BY Dave Lutz, CMP June 27, 2022

New Rules for Conference Sponsorship Pricing

Revenue recovery is an urgent priority for organizers of major conferences and trade shows, and sponsorships can help get you there.

BY Dave Lutz, CMP May 12, 2022

5 Tips to Develop a Plan for Optimizing Event Registration

If you had a major meeting in Q1 or Q2 of 2022, you’ve likely had some sleepless nights, thanks to your registration pacing. Here’s some help for that. 

BY Dave Lutz, CMP March 10, 2022

7 Hub Spaces to Meet Your Attendees’ Needs

For years, high-tech conferences have designed innovative hub spaces to engage and nurture their top customers. While some of the elements in these areas can be costly to implement, creating a town-square-like experience can help bring your participants together and grow your community.

BY Dave Lutz, CMP January 24, 2022

Leaving Your Event’s Host City Better Because You Were There

After living through a pandemic, conference participants will be more apt to lean towards conferences that align with their beliefs and passions through corporate social responsibility efforts.

BY Dave Lutz, CMP October 13, 2021

Event Planners’ Duty of Care During the Pandemic

As we return to in-person meetings, questions and best practices are evolving for hosting large gatherings.

BY Dave Lutz, CMP August 13, 2021

5 Program Design Changes to Add Value to Your Conference

We’re seeing a trend that association leadership is more open to making changes to the annual conference than ever before. It’s about time. 

BY Dave Lutz, CMP May 10, 2021

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