Career & Leadership
What Will the Future of Lodging Look Like?
Redefining luxury travel and increasing emotional connections with guests are trends to look out for, according to A.J. Singh, Ph.D., professor at Michigan State University’s School of Hospitality Business.
People On The Move
Your colleagues are on the move. Find out who is going where.
How Stories Get the Job Done
People who develop the skill of storytelling and use it to deliver their messages will see results, says author and champion storyteller Kindra Hall.
Halloween Meetings: A Good or Bad Idea?
How potential attendees will react to a meeting scheduled over Halloween depends on the demographics, says a generations expert and researcher.
3 Simple Ways to Be a Better Speaker
Orai, an app designed to help people polish their public-speaking skills, offers tips that can help anyone improve.
Travel Trends for 2018 — and Beyond
Traveler safety and security; growth in travel for employee recruitment; and localizing programs to specific regions are on American Express Meetings & Events SVP Issa Jouaneh’s mind.
People On The Move
Your colleagues are on the move. Find out who is going where.
When the Second Time Around Isn’t a Charm
Jack Molisani learned some valuable lessons after making a number of critical mistakes organizing his first conference in Europe, so he figured his next European event would go smoothly. He couldn’t have been more wrong.
Christine ‘Shimo’ Shimasaki on Opportunity
‘Opportunities will come along and may appear smaller at first glance, when in reality they could be much bigger.’
People On The Move
Your colleagues are on the move. Find out who is going where.
7 Business Lessons From Jazz
How experimentation, embracing errors, and other jazz tenets can be applied in business settings.
We’re Not Going It Alone
Regional partnerships are key to PCMA’s global strategy.