Daniel Cornock
Daniel Cornock, front end and product lead at CrowdComms and a member of PCMA's 20 in Their Twenties class of 2025, shares his belief that artificial intelligence will make a “transformative” impact on the events industry.
Daniel Cornock, front end and product lead at CrowdComms and a member of PCMA's 20 in Their Twenties class of 2025, shares his belief that artificial intelligence will make a “transformative” impact on the events industry.
Julia Catanese, CMP, senior meetings, events, and trade shows planner at Cardinal Health and a member of PCMA's 20 in Their Twenties class of 2025, seemed destined for a career in the events industry, she said, based on her childhood interests. Just ask her mom.
PCMA’s 20 in Their Twenties Class of 2025 — business event strategists, suppliers, and destination representatives from the North America, APAC, and EMEA regions — shared why they prioritize sustainability in the meetings industry.
Jillian Bowdring, Destination Service Specialist for Meet Boston and a member of PCMA's 20 in Their Twenties class of 2025, talks about the satisfaction she gets from creating an environment of “unmatched energy” for her event participants.
Maraika Black, European Association for the Study of the Liver’s public health program manager and a member of PCMA's 20 in Their Twenties class of 2025, shares her thoughts about how work/life balance should be a shared responsibility between employees and their employers.
The black-tie event closed out a busy Business Events Industry Week in Washington, D.C.
Shayna Asgill, DES, Director of Events at Redstone Agency and a member of PCMA's 20 in Their Twenties class of 2024, shares why she believes leading by example is important in the business events industry.
Diana Zarate, client relationship manager at Shocklogic and a member of PCMA's 20 in Their Twenties class of 2023, shares her perspective on the continued importance of virtual options despite the welcome return of in-person events.
Heather VanderVoet, senior coordinator of event services at Hamilton Convention Centre by Carmen’s and a member of PCMA's 20 in Their Twenties class of 2023, shares her perspective on the power of in-person events.
Jenna Sopko, manager of Business Meetings and Events at the National Association of REALTORS and a member of PCMA's 20 in Their Twenties class of 2023, shares the best advice she was ever given, and offers her own advice to those interested in pursuing a career in the industry.
Taylor Savage, DES, CTA, CFMP, regional director at Experience Columbus and a member of PCMA's 20 in Their Twenties class of 2023, shares what about the industry motivates and inspires her.
Cole Sales, marketing manager at eShipping and a member of PCMA's 20 in Their Twenties class of 2023, shares his unlikely recommendation for two books that events professionals should read.