What Questions Are You Asking During Your Interview?

Author: Angela Campiere       

Interviewing for a new job can be a nerve-wracking — and time-consuming — process. You’ve spent countless hours researching the company and practicing your answers to interview questions. But hiring managers across the country agree — one of the biggest blunders you can make during your interview doesn’t have to do with your responses but with the questions you ask. In their eyes, if you come up with nothing when they ask “Do you have any questions for me?,” it can indicate that you didn’t do your homework researching the company and open position. You can demonstrate your interest by asking the hiring manager these four questions during your next interview.

1. Why is the position vacant?

The answer to this question may provide insight into the culture of the company, according to CareerBuilder. If the position is vacant because the previous employee was promoted, then you know there is room for growth within the company or department. Pay attention to the length of the vacancy, though. A position that has been open for a while can signal an underlying issue, such as inadequate compensation or unrealistic expectations.

2. While doing my research about [Company], I learned [fill in the blank]. Can you tell me more about that?

Asking questions that come from your thorough research of the company works for you two ways. First, it highlights the extent of the prep work you put into the interview and demonstrates your interest in the position. Second, it can give you a better idea of the company’s future prospects and the work you could be doing if you get the job, especially if the organization’s plans include creating more events.

3. Are there any training or professional-development opportunities associated with the position?

As a general rule, you should shy away from questions that give the impression that you are assuming that you’ll get the job — like those about salary and benefits. Questions about training, however, can help you demonstrate that you are committed to expanding your skillset and learning the company’s specific way of accomplishing tasks. Asking about training can also help you gauge what your first weeks or months on the job will look like. As a business-events organizer, it’s important to learn whether the organization supports its staff attending relevant industry conferences for professional development. You’ll see if it practices what it preaches. In the 2017 Convene Salary Survey, nearly three-quarters of respondents said that their employers regularly pay for them to attend educational events, including conferences and workshops.

4. Why do you like working here?

This standard question can help you learn about the company’s environment and culture. Pay more attention to the delivery than the actual answer, however. A hiring manager who truly enjoys his or her job will be quick to respond with the positive attributes of the company. Some hesitation may be a cue that s/he is less than thrilled to work there — and should give you pause.

Once you land the job, these tips can help you avoid the ultimate $5,000 career mistake.

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