Webinar: Pivot Your Event from Live to Virtual


‘Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong’ is a common maxim of event planners globally, who navigate the often choppy-waters of event disruptions. With COVID19 driving face-to-face events online, how do you make the immediate pivot to turn an in-person event into a compelling virtual experience? Hear case studies of companies that have switched to large scale virtual events in the past few months, learn to navigate the digital environment and develop ways to design for peak audience engagement online.

Learner Outcomes:

  • Define audience expectations for digital events
  • Understand digital environments and it affects the engagement experience
  • Develop techniques for online participant engagement


Jointly organized with:

PCMA is an Approved CAE Provider & CMP Preferred Vendor.


  • Duration: 01:03:19
  • Date: 05/13/2020
  • Speakers:

CMP Certification

  • EIC Status: Submitted
  • CMP-IS Domain: G. Meeting or Event Design
  • Clock Hours: 1.0

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