“Data Science for the SDGs” was the theme of the 2019 Data for Good Exchange hosted by Bloomberg in New York City, which looked at how data science projects can help make progress toward achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. (Bloomberg)
As the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) become embedded in business plans and teaching curriculums around the globe, they also are showing up on meeting agendas, in educational sessions, as conference themes, and as part of sponsorship activations.
As part of Convene‘s March CMP Series story “A To-Do List for Planet Earth’s Planners,” here are other recent and upcoming examples include:
- “Data Science for the SDGs” was the theme of the 2019 Data for Good Exchange, hosted by the global information and tech company Bloomberg in New York City, which looked at how data scientists, corporations, policy makers and researchers can collaborate on data science projects that will make progress toward achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
- Globe 2020, a 30-year-old sustainable business summit held in February in Vancouver, included the session “How the Sustainable Development Goals Are Driving Corporate Purpose and Performance,” which looked at topics including how the SDGs are evolving into important business tools.
- At Kingpins NewYork 2019, speakers, including leaders from the Conscious Fashion Campaign and the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA), discussed the fashion industry and SDG goals related to clean water and energy, climate change, responsible production, and others.
- Expo 2020 Dubai, a World Expo which will open in October and run for six months, will include a Global Best Practice Programme, an interactive installation featuring 25 development projects from 24 countries aligned with the SDGs.
- SAP, the software company, and the nonprofit PVBLIC Foundation, teamed up at SXSW in Austin, Texas, in March 2019 to present the SDG Media Zone at the SAP House, with daily panels on initiatives and approaches toward achieving the SDGs. Sessions included “Breaking the Rules: The Badass Women of Mental Health,” and “Compelling Humanity to Action.” Similar events have been held or are scheduled at the Web Summit, the World Economic Forum, and the Cannes Lions festival, among others.

Salesforce wove the SDGs into multiple aspects of its Dreamforce 2019 conference, including having Robin Wright, actor and co-owner of Pour Les Femmes, discuss the $12-trillion opportunity behind the SDGs. (Courtesy Salesforce)
Earn One Hour of CE Credit
This story is part of Convene‘s CMP Series cover story for March 2020. After reading “A To-Do List for Planet Earth’s Planners,” and the related stories listed at the bottom of that post, you will be ready to earn one hour of CE credit toward CMP certification from the Events Industry Council. To take an online test to earn that CE credit, and for access to additional CMP Series stories, go to Convene‘s CMP Series page.
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