Tuesday’s Convening Leaders Main Stage speakers shared their experiences — from the importance of bringing your authentic self to work to bringing astronauts safely back to Earth. During the rest of the day at the Moscone Center, attendees learned, broke bread together, and raised a toast at the Houston Convening Leaders 2021 Happy Hour. Here’s a sampling of what the Convene editors heard while they were out and about.
Tourism for me has always been a force for good. … There is no Planet B. We have an opportunity to make sure that Planet A is livable and wonderful.”
Transparency is the big trend [that will shape the future]. Gone are the days when consumers don’t understand what is happening inside our companies. They want to know. They want to know leadership. They want to know why. Audiences are not interested in opaque glass. They want to see through it.”
It’s not just about your general session, or who your keynote speaker is, or what your exhibit hall is. Everything we’re doing is about designing a holistic experience. And when you start to put your attendees and your stakeholders first, and not just what you as the planner want to do, everything else falls in line, and you’ll be completely amazed at the transformation that your events are going to have.”
The data is only as good as the story you tell out of it.”
Open up the Q&A a week or a month before the event even starts.”
It was an opportunity to look at a product that could use some humanizing… to [figure out] how to connect our human emotion to what is the best technological space in the world.”
Panic leads to nothing.”
You should know in your own community — whether you’re in events or hotels or CVBs —who your informal influencers are. By name, what they read, and where they gather.”
We’ve tried to control people who don’t want to be controlled.”