Four Ways JUNO Takes Events Next Level

A Sponsored Message from JUNO.

There’s something to be said for simplicity. What if there was one place for your members and users to attend events, take classes, network, and build a custom experience? That place is JUNO, a Single Destination Platform that can extend your brand and be the central hub for your industry. Here are just 4 ways JUNO can help you grow:

Make events hybrid and boost attendance by 40%

While in-person events are returning as the weight of the pandemic lightens, hybrid events can increase attendance by 40%. Online attendees have full access to live and on-demand sessions, digital-only content, and the ability to connect with in-person attendees. In-person attendees don’t have to worry if two great workshops are at the same time, they can access the other one via the platform.

Promote online and in-person connections on desktop and mobile

Long after an event is over, on-demand content and the opportunity for continued networking remain. Every JUNO user has their own JUNO room to video-chat with people, plus users love the community roundtables, discussion forums and social feeds.

Continue to drive engagement with micro-events and new content

Learning never stops. Roundtable discussions, webinars, certification courses and new content can be published year-round. The experience is personalized by JUNO AI, using declared and discovered interests to drive tailored content and connections.

Increase engagement with gamification

Games are not only fun, they get results. Research shows 72% of employees surveyed said gamification motivates them to work harder. The conversion rates of websites with interactive content are nearly six times higher than those without it. The National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP) turned to JUNO with their digital vision for online competitions and achieved a healthy margin. Gamification tools were a big hit, allowing voting, immediate feedback, and points toward prizes.

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