One Key to Preventing Your Team’s Burnout
Work can be difficult, but it shouldn’t be difficult all the time, shows new research from a management professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton Executive Education.
Work can be difficult, but it shouldn’t be difficult all the time, shows new research from a management professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton Executive Education.
Responses to Convene’s Annual Salary Survey 2024 confirm the qualities of a healthy workplace culture recognized by workplace culture company Great Place to Work.
What’s the difference between planner respondents to this year’s Salary Survey who are happy in their jobs and those who are not? It doesn’t seem to be how they feel about the intrinsic nature of the role — which, even the most satisfied planners said, is challenging and demanding. It’s the organizations they work for.
Help us understand better what has changed from 2023, including how your role is evolving, the challenges you face, what your workplace environment is like, and what keeps you coming back for more (in addition to a paycheck — and yes, we want to hear about that, too!).
Here’s a closer look at who responded — according to their professional roles — to Convene’s 2023 Salary Survey.
The return of face-to-face meetings is good news, but it brings a host of pandemic-related and other challenges for event professionals as well. Convene examines the ups and downs that come with the job — both monetary and otherwise — in the 2023 Salary Survey.
Respondents didn’t hold back when asked to share how they feel about their jobs — the good, the bad, and the ugly — in several open-ended questions in Convene’s Salary Survey 2023. Here’s a taste of what they had to say.
Planners may be better compensated than before COVID but there’s also a sense of unrest over the continuing uncertainties in the business events industry, according to the latest Convene Salary Survey.
The picture of a vibrant, healthy business events industry portrayed by more than 600 respondents to this year's survey before COVID-19 stands in stark relief to the uncertain reality many currently face. The results serve as a kind of optimistic benchmark: a level to return to as the industry resets and recovers.
Respondents to Convene’s Annual Salary Survey in February — before public health restrictions forced most workers to work from home — said having the flexibility to work remotely was high on their wish list.
Event organizers cite stress and long hours as what they like least — and creativity, collaboration, and cultivating relationships as what they like most — about their jobs.
Considering their long hours, demanding travel schedules, and stressful workloads, perhaps it's no surprise what they'd most like to ask their boss for (aside from a raise): more flexibility to work from home.