News for Professionals: Career Advice and Ideas

Author: Convene Editors       

Looking for ways to do your job better — or for the latest trends in the world of work? Here’s a roundup of career-related stories selected by the editors of Convene.

An AI Cartoon May Interview You for Your Next Job

As if trying to land a new gig isn’t demoralizing enough, job seekers are having interviews with characters powered by generative AI who are capable of screening candidates to judge their skills. WIRED has more about what the future of interviewing can look like.

What to Know About Starting Your Career Remotely

Remote work can be a mixed bag for those just starting their careers. While it has clear benefits (improved work-life balance, geographic flexibility, and eliminating commutes), it’s not without drawbacks. There are unique challenges that come with starting your career remotely: isolation, distractions, and communication gaps. Fortunately, says Harvard Business Review, you can overcome these obstacles through three simple practices — for example, finding a coworking space to combat isolation.

‘It’s Gotten Me Every Job I’ve Had’: The Growing Value of a Strong LinkedIn Presence

Similar to other social-media sites, crafting the perfect presence on the platform is an art, one that LinkedIn influencers have worked to master. It’s not a skill everyone has yet managed to nail, though. WorkLife spoke to two top LinkedIn voices who share how they are using the platform to drive conversations and spark professional opportunities.

How to Stop Feeling Guilty About Not Being as Productive as You Hoped

To-do lists are useful to keep us on track. But now and then, reports CNBC, they can also make us feel bad about the things we don’t get around to. To work through these feelings of disappointment, it’s important to check in with yourself in a few key ways — like whether you are over-indexing on activity-based productivity — according to Georgetown University professor Cal Newport and author of the new book Slow Productivity.

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