Looking for ways to do your job better — or for the latest trends in the world of work? Here’s a roundup of career-related stories selected by the editors of Convene.
It’s Time to Rethink Traditional Career Trajectories
No job feels safe, no career path is certain, and previously “secure” professions may be under threat. Harvard Business Review examines how the Flux Mindset — the ability to see unexpected and unwanted change from a place of hope rather than fear, and as an opportunity to learn and grow rather than to resist or deny — can help to better prepare for the future of work.
5 Ways to Work Remotely (and Effectively) for the Long Haul
Despite return-to-office mandates, workers have made it clear that remote work isn’t going anywhere. WIRED shares five ways to use the flexibility of working from home to maximize your productivity — keeping your boss (and yourself) happy.
These Are 4 of the Most Common Work Mistakes. Here’s How To Use Them To Your Advantage.
Rather than making blanket statements about mistakes being all good or all bad, Fast Company says it can be helpful to differentiate between different kinds of mistakes — from sloppy to aha-moment to stretch mistakes — and how to recover and learn from each.
6 Ways to Set Boundaries at Work — Even When It’s Uncomfortable
Setting boundaries at work — in this economy — might seem like a pipe dream. Not be available 24/7? Not smile and accept every new assignment? Not push back when a colleague tries to steal your time? But establishing expectations for what you will and will not tolerate could be your best career and mental-health move, suggests TIME.