We get it, you’re busy. So, the Convene editors have curated the latest tips and trends in the world of work for you. Take a look at what caught our eye this past week.
Talk Yourself Down When You’re About to Rage Quit
Lately, stress on the job is high and tempers can be short. But if you’re feeling the desire to suddenly throw in the towel — or rage quit — check your emotions and your long-term goals first. Take a deep breath, and ask yourself these important questions, courtesy of Fast Company.
Women’s Potential Is Undervalued at Work
A recent MIT study assessing the career records of around 30,000 employees at a large retail chain shows that women are being held to a higher standard than men at their jobs, and consistently have to prove their abilities in a way that men do not. Even more worrying, the researchers found, is that this trend appears to get worse the more senior you go. Forbes shares some of the practices that need to change to level the playing field.
Not Getting Any Job Offers? 8 Tips to Help
If you’re stuck in a cycle of applying for job after job — after job! — without getting any offers, take heart: This happens to everyone at some point. It may take time and some changes in your approach to your job search before the right position pops up. AgHires offers some sound advice — like conducting a mock interview — to help turn things around.
How to Get, Use, and Show off Decision-Making Skills
No matter what your level, decision-making is a crucial component of success in landing jobs, thriving at work, and enabling your organization to meet goals. The Muse takes us through six important steps in the decision-making process, including listening to your emotions — whether it’s a burst of excitement or a sudden wave of panic.