Miquel Santasusana

Miquel is a Barcelona born Engineer; he holds a PhD in Engineering and is currently lecturing Mechanics at the Elisava School of Design and Engineering. He is also COO at Domestic Data Streamers (DDS), a company that empowers companies such as Nike, Beefeater or Western Digital and organisations such as Berkley, Qatar Foundation or UNICEF to use data at strategies, communication campaigns and to make a better world out of this one.

Miquel joined DDS three years ago and started working as a Project Manager with a special focus on event communication strategies for tech companies such as Western Digital, Telefónica, Cisco, SEAT, etc. Since 2019, he is the Operations Manager of DDS, working directly on the Domestic Data Streamers strategy. His current area of research is the integration of AI techniques in data-storytelling and experience design for events.

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