Sarah Shewey, CEO and founder of Happily, speaks during her session, “Lead Like an Entrepreneur.” (Jacob Slaton Photography)
The first full day of Convening Leaders included lively educations sessions, packed rooms, new and renewed connections, innovative and immersive activations — and a sense of anticipation for what’s in store over the next few days.
The boss is dead. A boss symbolizes a power construct with a hierarchy designed to achieve results. How are we going to get things done if we don’t have bosses? We are going to channel our inner Oprahs and become entrepreneurs.”
There’s no such thing as best. There’s only ahead and behind.”
I love that — ‘Choose your worthy rivals to better identify your weaknesses.’”
You can always tell when someone is working on commission. You can feel it.”
Your biases and your beliefs — while they could be totally valid — limit you.”
At the end of the day, a shared struggle is what brings people together.”
If you don’t have someone sitting at the table to make sure the content you’re putting out is representing everyone, [then you should].”
Leadership has nothing to do with rank. Be the leader you wish you had.”
The future of science depends on how conferences are structured.”
Purpose is still undervalued in the conference world. Why are we here? Why are we in this room together? What power do we have if we leverage it? Purpose is about what we want to do to affect the real world. It’s not just fluffy stuff.”
We’re all in technology. It’s the base layer of every business on Earth.”
Learning is the new pension — as the rate of change accelerates, learning is going to be 40 percent of your time. Work and learning are going to be a combined act.”
Your audience is dying for advice about planning their career journey — because it is sliding and shifting.”