An Exercise in Expanding the Life of Event Content

In an interactive, on-demand Convening Leaders 2021 session, participants will gain insights about getting more value from event content. 

Author: Casey Gale       

Mambo-Waters session CL21

Caryn Mambro and Kristin Waters offer several “thought starters” to amplify engagement in their presentation, “Using Events to Amplify Engagement & Your Marketing Campaigns.”

FIND THE SESSION:  7 Change Actions: Using Events to Amplify Engagement & Your Marketing Campaigns

The life of event content can stretch beyond the boundaries of specific meeting dates. In the on-demand session available now on the Convening Leaders 2021 platform, Kristin Waters, executive vice president of global accounts for the Opus Agency, and Caryn Mambro, the agency’s executive vice president of creative, share three strategies around this concept: how to design content for amplification, how to update practices to make the most of virtual events, and a framework to extend organizers’ ROI.

Caryn Mambro Kristin Waters

Caryn Mambro and Kristin Waters

Waters and Mambro give participants a hands-on lesson in exactly how to use the framework in the session, “7 Change Actions: Using Events to Amplify Engagement & Your Marketing Campaigns” — attendees should come ready with two blank pieces of paper, scissors, a pen, and a paper clip. The framework combines one of three focuses surrounding ROI — defined as content, campaigns, and community — with one of four drivers of participant engagement: consuming, contributing, sharing, and creating. For each combination, Waters and Mambro explain how blending ROI and engagement can be used to create more value. The exercise will challenge participants “to think differently and amplify how you approach your event,” Mambro said. “At Opus, we’re giving focus to what type of content we create and [how] to design events as opportunities to source ongoing material for future campaigns.”

Casey Gale is associate editor of Convene.

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