News for Professionals: Career Advice and Ideas

Author: Convene Editors       

Looking for ways to do your job better — or for the latest trends in the world of work? Here’s a roundup of career-related stories selected by the editors of Convene.

Why Does It Seem Like Gen Z Workers Are Always Late?

In a new survey commissioned by Meeting Canary, an AI-powered work meeting behavior analyzer, 47 percent of Gen Z respondents said they believe that arriving 5 to 10 minutes late is still considered punctual. The survey also found that 70 percent of baby boomers believe that being right on time is actually late, opening up, says Fast Company, a generational workplace battle.

How to Navigate Each Newer, Bigger Box on Your Career Path

According to Entrepreneur, a bigger box presents you with a choice: stay within the safe, smaller space or become familiar with larger spaces and grow.

How to Ask for Help Without Making Yourself Look Bad

In a work world that values ownership and personal initiative, many assume that asking for direction or seeking clarification will make them look incapable, or worse, will prove to others — and themselves — that they have no idea what they’re doing. Asking for help without appearing weak requires a delicate balance of convening vulnerability and strength. Harvard Business Review offers advice on how to ask for help from a position of strength — and how to get what you need without making yourself look bad.

Why Is Everyone Pretending to Be Grateful They Got Laid Off?

A weird phenomenon is happening on Twitter and LinkedIn once folks lose their jobs. And, says Slate, it’s completely unnecessary.

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