News for Professionals: Career Advice and Ideas

Author: Convene Editors       

Looking for ways to do your job better — or for the latest trends in the world of work? Here’s a roundup of career-related stories selected by the editors of Convene.

Use Neuroscience to Hack Your Next Brainstorming Session 

Findings from researchers who have focused on how the brain generates creative ideas indicate that there are simple strategies you can follow for enhanced creativity during your next brainstorm — from building a ritual before you dig in to leaving the session with a question. PRNEWS shares the insights.

Try This: ‘Theme’ Every Work Day for a More Productive Week 

Instead of jumping from task to task on any given day, try grouping all the similar ones together and park them on a specific day. By putting similar tasks together on the same day, suggests Lifehacker, you’ll stay in that “zone” longer, focusing only on what needs to be done in it. If all the things you have to do have something in common, it will likely be easier to stay focused on the central theme of the day’s work as you move from task to task.

The Invisible Handbook of Skills Gen Z Employees Lack 

Gen Z will make up a third of the workforce by 2030, but they face big challenges in the workplace after the pandemic upended their education and as the traditional business environment is changing quickly to meet climate, technology, and economic concerns. Experts say Gen Z’s rough ride in recent years means many are also coming into the workplace lacking a set of critical, often invisible skills for interacting with colleagues and handling jobs — a situation that can lead to frustration and burnout not just for those born between 1996 and 2010, but for bosses and coworkers. Fast Company helps answer the question: What can you do?

What to Ask Yourself Before a Career Pivot 

Gone are the days of picking a job or career path and sticking to it forever. Career pivots are far more common today than they ever were. But how do you know if you’re ready for a change, or if your pivot is likely to be successful? The best thing you can do is to make an informed decision. Harvard Business Review offers a list of questions to ask yourself as you consider a career pivot, to help orient you in the process of evaluating your needs.

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