4 Ways to Beat the Sunday Night Blues

Author: Angela Campiere       

If you get the blues on Sunday night, you’re not alone. A poll by Monster.com reported that 76 percent of respondents in the U.S. feel anxious on Sunday evening. What gives? The culprit can be a combination of realizing that the coveted weekend is over and thinking about all of the work that’s waiting for you back in the office on Monday morning. But Sunday night doesn’t have to ruin your whole weekend. Check out these four ways you can beat the Sunday Night Blues.

1. Treat Saturday like Sunday

Many of us leave weekend errands until Sunday. RealSimple, however, suggests that completing weekend chores on Saturday instead of Sunday will help you start your weekend off with a sense of accomplishment. Flip-flopping your weekend days also leaves more time for fun or relaxation on Sunday, which can help you recharge your batteries and face Monday morning head-on.

2. Conduct a “Friday Review”

Conducting a “Friday Review” is a simple, end-of-the-workweek routine that can set you up for success come Sunday night. Set aside 15 minutes on Friday afternoon to figure out where you stand on each of your projects and jot down what you need to do on Monday morning. Thinking in advance about how to hit the ground running on Monday will help you avoid feeling overwhelmed on Sunday night.

3. Figure out your triggers

When you start to get that sinking feeling as the weekend draws to an end, take a moment to consider why you feel sad or anxious. Is your workload overwhelming? Are you stressing about the speaker for your upcoming meeting? According to Monster, writing down these feelings and reflecting on them throughout the week can help you determine which things you can change and which might not be quite as overwhelming as you originally thought.

4. Set yourself up for success

Use Sunday night to set yourself up for success over the next five days. For me, this means turning down Sunday night dinner plans with friends and reading a book or watching an episode or two of my favorite TV show instead. The Sunday night wind-down will obviously look different for everyone, but try to do at least one thing that makes you happy on Sunday evening. The goal is to end your weekend on a relaxing note, not a harried one.

Looking for more ways to improve your workweek? Check out these tips for getting the most out of your day.

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