During this period of social unrest, HR professionals have been called upon to help provide guidance on how to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace culture. As the director of global human resources for technology firm Instana, Britt Harris is one such expert who has been sought out. Harris provided her perspective last week in the form of a message on LinkedIn:

Britt Harris, director of global human resources for technology firm Instana, will discuss diversity and inclusion in an upcoming webinar.
If this week was the first week that Black employees at your organization have heard or felt that they mattered, please don’t let it be the last…
Social media posts, internal communications and company town halls are welcome and appropriate ways to signal your support to those who regularly face systemic, racially-motivated injustice and violence, but they are only signals. Meaningful, enduring CHANGE occurs with the people you hire into LEADERSHIP roles, the INVESTMENTS you make in disadvantaged communities, the POLICIES you put in place, the ACCOUNTABILITY that you enforce, and the INTERACTIONS that you foster between colleagues.
If your diversity initiative only consists of having an initiative, if you are trying to find solutions to your diversity problem without any diverse people participating in those discussions, or if you are uncomfortable asking underrepresented populations what it’s like to work at your company, it is time to change your approach.
Harris will be lending her voice and expertise to the business events community with a PCMA webinar, “Realistic Steps for Building a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace.” Register here for the complimentary webinar from 1 p.m to 2 p.m. CDT on June 18.