Webinar: Make Sure You Have a Plan B & C for Your Content Strategy

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If there is one thing the pandemic has taught us it’s no matter how prepared you think you are, life can always throw you a curve ball. When live events were no longer an option, many organizations had to figure out quickly how to communicate to their members, customers, and employees in new channels. In this presentation, we discuss how to put a plan in place to continue communication and engagement with your audience no matter where they are. We look at what tactics and best practices you can follow to make sure you’re always prepared to deliver your event content in any situation.

What will attendees learn from this session?

Attendees will learn how to prioritize, organize, and deliver their event content in both hybrid and virtual scenarios. Understanding that what might work for live events doesn’t necessarily translate to hybrid or virtual. They will not only understand the “how” but also the “why”.

Why should attendees attend this session?

This will provide you with the information necessary to make sure your event and organization has a proactive plan in place instead of  a reaction to changing scenarios. It will provide use cases of other organizations who have done it successfully.

What are the top takeaways for attendees?

  • Don’t start with technology. First, understand what it is you’re trying to do.
  • Understand all the people who are impacted by your plan. Not just the attendees but also people such as the speakers, leadership, and anyone else responsible for delivering the event content to your audience. What besides “how much does it cost” do you need to provide to get everyone to buy into it?
  • At the end of the event, what does success look like? Is it Reach? Revenue? Relevancy?

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PCMA is an Approved CAE Provider & CMP Preferred Vendor.


  • Duration: 00:55:53
  • Date: 02/28/2022
  • Speakers:

CMP Certification

  • EIC Status: Submitted
  • CMP-IS Domain: CMP Submission Pending
  • Clock Hours: 1.0

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