Meetings Market Survey: Starting From a Good Place
Going by the responses to Convene's 2020 Meetings Market Survey, the business events industry is on solid footing — which should help it better withstand the negative impacts of COVID-19.
Going by the responses to Convene's 2020 Meetings Market Survey, the business events industry is on solid footing — which should help it better withstand the negative impacts of COVID-19.
According to responses to Convene’s 29th annual Meetings Market Survey, many organizations have changed how they collect and use participant data (attendee and/or exhibitor) relative to their events.
More than half of respondents to Convene’s 29th annual Meetings Market Survey said meeting planning is their primary job responsibility and 12 percent said it was a secondary job responsibility.
The U.S. economy gained momentum in 2017 and the meetings industry followed suit. There may be a few speed bumps in the year ahead, though, business events organizers say, especially for those who plan international events.