PCMA Co-signs Letter to Secretary of the U.S. Treasury

Author: Sherrif Karamat       

PCMA will help lead our industry to recovery, and today we have taken another positive step forward.

As the COVID-19 crisis continues to unfold, we remain steadfast in our commitment to be the voice for the global business events community. I have co-signed a letter with the Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) asking the United States Department of the Treasury for financial assistance in the form of a comprehensive economic package specifically for people in the travel, hospitality and business events industries.

Our commitment to drive social and economic change through business events is not on hold, but instead stronger than ever. As an organization, this is just one step toward recovery that we are championing on behalf of our industry. Thank you for putting your trust in PCMA and in the knowledge that recovery is coming.

Standing with you,

Sherrif Karamat, CAE
President & CEO, PCMA

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