Acquiring customers and hiring new talent is expensive. Retaining customers costs 5 times less than acquiring new ones, and organizations that invest in customer loyalty (with top Net Promoter Scores and satisfaction ratings) grow revenues 2.5 times faster.
Building thriving, year-round virtual communities for your prospects, customers, and employees enables Business Event Industry leaders to increase loyalty and accelerate growth. However, most virtual communities fail–not due to technical issues, but because no one’s engaged. How can you avoid this common pitfall for your virtual community?
Join DES Expert and Best in Class Speaker Sourabh Kothari for a thought-provoking and candid perspective as he outlines what successful brands are doing differently. He’ll also share takeaways from delivering more than 300 virtual and hybrid events and communities–and reveal key factors that can determine whether yours will be a failure or a success.
This session draws from content in the DES course offerings, which provides business events strategists the opportunity to become globally recognized digital event experts, the ability to create virtual events—including hybrid events for venues—that increase audience engagement, generate ROI, and offer additional business opportunities through hybrid event experiences.
Learning Objectives:
- Avoid common pitfalls and mistakes that cause digital communities to fall apart.
- Implement foundational strategies and concepts to set your community up for success from the very beginning.
- Foster an environment of year-round engagement that benefits your virtual and hybrid events.
Brought to you by Encore
- Duration: 00:54:33
- Date: 01/11/2022
- Speaker: