Student Chapters

Student chapters are a great way to network with fellow students. You’ll gain valuable experience organizing events and community service projects with your chapter. Additionally, you can participate in local PCMA Chapter events and build relationships with hospitality and meeting professionals in your area. The power of networking can propel you into a long lasting career in the meetings industry!

Student Chapter List

Boston University
Cal State Monterey Bay
DePaul University
Durham College
The George Washington University
High Point University
Indiana University Indianapolis
Institute of Technical Education
Iowa State University
James Madison University
Jarvis Christian University
Johnson & Wales University
Kent State University
Mercyhurst University
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Nagpur Institute
Ngee Ann Polytechnic
North Carolina Central University
Pennsylvania State University
Purdue University
Southern Illinois University
Sunway Polytechnic University
Temple University
Texas A&M University
Universidad de Leon
Universidad de Panamericana
University of Arkansas
University of Nevada Las Vegas
University of North Texas
University of South Carolina
Virginia State University


Introducing the PCMA Regional University Networks

The Regional University Network provides an inclusive solution for students whose campuses or local governments face restrictions on establishing official student chapters. This program connects students who meet all other criteria for chapter recognition, fostering opportunities for collaboration, professional growth, and networking with peers and industry leaders across the region. The Regional University Network ensures these students can actively engage in PCMA’s mission to empower the next generation of business events professionals


APAC Region

Singapore Polytechnic

LATAM Region

Universidad de la Habana
DUOC UC Campus

Student Chapter Start-Up & Annual Renewal

Starting and maintaining a Student Chapter of PCMA is very easy! In order to be recognized as an official student chapter of PCMA, you must complete the following:

  • At least 6 registered student members of PCMA (PCMA Student Membership is FREE).
  • A volunteer faculty advisor (Does not need to be a member of PCMA)
  • Complete the Annual Application for Student Chapters and submit to PCMA. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the calendar year and are renewed annually at the start of the academic calendar year. Confirmation of acceptance will be sent within two weeks of receipt of application.

Click the button below to submit your application. For more information, please contact [email protected].

Resources for Student Chapters

Need additional resources?

Global Student Competition

The PCMA Global Student Competition engages competing teams on their knowledge and understanding of the industry to create and propose a successful event. The goal of this challenge is to have a proposal for a meeting, incentive trip, exhibition, tradeshow, consumer show, convention, conference, congress or product launch.

Congratulations to Singapore Polytechnic for being named the 2024 competition winners!

Click the button below for information,

Membership Benefits

  • PCMA brings together your community of meeting professionals for relevant, high-level industry and professional development education, both face-2-face and virtually.
  • PCMA orchestrates your networking with colleagues to ensure you connect with common interests professionals.
  • PCMA facilitates your connections with strategic partners and suppliers to help you build career-long supportive relationships.
  • PCMA publishes the leading industry magazine, Convene®, so you stay informed with the latest research, best practices and trends.
  • PCMA provides you with maximum benefits and value for the time you invest.
  • Need help recruiting members? Contact [email protected] to request marketing materials for your student chapter.

PCMA Student Membership is now FREE! Not only do you have the opportunity to apply for scholarships, you also become connected to over 7,000 other members!

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