Help your event participants remember the experience by using seeded paper for your name badges.

Nicole Walker
I loved speaking with Nicole Walker at Convening EMEA in Vienna a few months ago. Nicole is managing director of Sydney, Australia–based PCO Arinex who is dedicated to making sustainability in the business events industry top of mind, and I was impressed by her no-nonsense, straightforward approach.
She has published an article — “12 Simple Sustainability Swaps” — in IAPCO’s most recent issue of its bimonthly online magazine, The PCO, that demonstrates her “we can do this” mentality. The dozen tips make a useful planning checklist, and some offer great food for thought, like Swap No. 6: Instead of a plastic name badge pocket, opt for durable name badge paper. Nicole takes that option further with this regenerative idea — consider seeded paper which enables attendees to plant their used name badge after the event. By adding water, they can watch it become a plant, and see their event experience live on.
Michelle Russell is editor in chief of Convene.