CAESARS FORUM in Las Vegas, which served as a hybrid hub for PCMA Convening Leaders 2021, will be the site of Convening Leaders 2022.
Registration opened yesterday for PCMA Convening Leaders 2022 (CL22), to be held in person Jan. 9-12 at CAESARS FORUM in Las Vegas and online. As part of the registration launch, PCMA President & CEO Sherrif Karamat announced that for in-person attendance, PCMA will require proof of vaccination. For those that are unable to be vaccinated or cannot travel to Las Vegas, a digital option will be offered.
“We have created two ways for you to participate in CL22 while doing our part to keep you and others safe,” Karamat wrote in a LinkedIn post, “This Is Our Time.”
In PCMA Convene‘s most-recent COVID-19 Recovery Dashboard survey, 89 percent of suppliers and 92 percent of planners said they had been fully vaccinated and a collective 10 percent said they either had been partially vaccinated or planned to get the vaccine.
Learn more about and register for Convening Leaders 2022.