There’s no denying it—the workplace is changing. Cubicles are giving way to open floor plans. Desktop computers are becoming increasingly rare. Smartphones keep us connected to our teams and clients at all hours of the day and night. These changes beg one question: Is the traditional 9-to-5 workday officially dead? For many of us, the answer might soon be “yes.” According to a new survey by CareerBuilder, more than 60 percent of workers believe traditional 9-to-5 schedules are a thing of the past, especially in larger cities like Washington, DC and New York City. Without set hours your work-life balance can difficult to master, but with just a little planning, you can make your flexible schedule work for you without letting your productivity suffer.
Plan your time
While you might not have a set work schedule to adhere to, you will definitely still have project deadlines to hit. Use your calendar to help you plan your time both in the office and out. Do you need to bring your daughter to ballet every Tuesday at 2:30? Will you be in the office all morning on Thursday? Mark those blocks of time on your calendar so your team understands when you’ll be available to brainstorm about that latest project.
Set boundaries
Every office has a set of rules, and a flexible schedule shouldn’t negate them. Even if your hours aren’t set, your boss still has high expectations of you and your job performance. Make sure you communicate with your boss about those expectations and boundaries. Maintaining an open line of communication will help put you both on the same page when it comes to your schedule and your work load. You’ll both be glad you did.
Stay connected
The key to a successful flexible schedule? Staying connected with your team. It can be hard to know when to plan things like team meetings when everyone’s schedule is different. Staying in contact with your team about your schedule can help you determine both when you need to be in the office and when your teammates will be available for a quick chat about that client document you’ve been working on.
Now that you know how to make the new 9-to-5 work for you, find out how you can make social media work for you, too.