Deanna Singh, founder and CEO of Uplifting Impact, presents during the studio session “Turning Allyship into Action: Integrating Equity, Inclusion, Belonging and Diversity into Business Events.” (Jacob Slaton Photography)
Each day at CL22, we’ll be asking a handful of participants to respond to a question to get a better sense of what’s on attendees’ minds as they meet in person this week. On Monday, we asked, “How do you ensure inclusivity at your events?”

We have ambassadors for welcoming newbies and other first-time attendees. We intentionally and purposefully employ volunteers who seek out people who might be more introverted and make them feel more welcome. We also collaborate with other associations to increase our diversity.”
Last year, we undertook a DEI initiative, and increased the diversity in our speakers from 18 percent to 30 percent in the first 12 months. We plan to increase that percentage again this year. We also employ accessibility tactics in our products.”

Being intentional and aware, especially with speakers that we invite to present and to ensure we have underrepresented communities. We also start with the speakers as they submit abstracts to make certain they are open to our initiatives.”
That’s a great question. Everybody learns differently so we use print products for the older generation and employ newer digital technologies for younger attendees. DEI is a hot topic, and something we are including in our program.”

Our company has a full DEI department. So, starting with site and venue selection, they are involved in the evaluation. And, then it is a continual evolution of our meeting from there.”