Have you made resolutions for your 2023 event planning?
With the return of in-person trade shows and conferences, event marketers got back to doing what they love — bringing people together for inspiring, educational, and productive experiences. We’re looking forward to doing more of the same in 2023, but with a fresh outlook. Here’s how mdg professionals resolve to renew their approach to digital marketing, branding, messaging, and more.
“I will think globally and market locally.”
— Anjia Nicolaidis, group director, international strategy
In a dynamic, ever-changing global economy, it’s important to understand how industries and people are impacted at the local level. When we look beyond the headlines and analyze local market conditions, we can assess participation barriers and strategize ways to overcome them. We may even discover new markets are emerging as the best prospects for growth in a given show cycle.
“I will stay hyper-focused on word economy and answering the ‘what’s in it for me?’ question.”
— Sheree Whiteley, copy director
These aren’t new ideas — WIIFM and concision have been regarded as two “musts” for impactful messaging for as long as I can remember. But in a world where people spend less than 10 seconds reading an email and are skeptical of generic promises, it’s critical that copy taps into the true, unique benefits and motivations for every audience segment — and compels action with just a few powerful words.
“I will maximize the content resources at my disposal.”
— Christine Johnson, director of content
Content creation can feel like a daunting task when we assume it must always start by conducting research, writing an original article, designing an infographic, shooting a video, etc. Event marketers can make the process easier by simply using the tools that are at their fingertips — speaker-generated session teasers, exhibitor product previews, blogs written by board members, attendee testimonials, and more. In 2023, I will capitalize on these resources to streamline processes, reduce costs, and showcase the expertise and passion of a community.
“I will color outside the lines.”
— Joe Mathieu, group director, paid media
Now is not the time for event marketers to be timid. As Boomers age out of the workforce and digital natives take over, it is more important than ever to try new tactics. Whether it’s streaming television, TikTok, or any of the many Twitter clones coming to social media, event marketers must continue to diversify their marketing mix to attract new attendees.
“I will harness the power of influencers.”
— Sara Fellows, director of social media
By partnering with social influencers to promote an event, you’re extending reach beyond your own database and, more importantly, tapping into engaged, niche audiences in a way no other marketing tactics can. It’s one of the best methods to reach new groups with shared interests and generate anticipation and FOMO. Plus, when you have multiple influencers sharing the same message, it is hard to ignore just how exciting your event is going to be.
“I will continue to inject humanity into the campaigns I help to create.”
— Kacia Reilly, group director, creative
While the majority of the events we market are B2B, we are not marketing to businesses. We are marketing to people. And people tend to rely on emotions more than logic to make decisions. That’s why I will continue digging deeper into the audiences served by events: Are they passionate about their profession? Do they long to be a part of a community? Are they focused on advancing their standing within their organization? What makes them tick? Knowing what’s in a prospect’s heart is just as important — if not more so — than what’s in their head.
Kimberly Hardcastle-Geddes is president and chief marketing strategist at mdg, A Freeman Company, a full-service marketing and public relations firm specializing in B2B events.