Professor of strategy and innovation at INSEAD

Nathan Furr is a professor of strategy and innovation at INSEAD in Paris and a recognized expert in the fields of innovation and technology strategy. Professor Furr earned his Ph.D. from Stanford University where he studied how innovators commercialize their ideas. His bestselling books include The Innovator’s Method (Harvard Business School Press, 2014); Leading Transformation (Harvard Business School Press, 2018); Innovation Capital (Harvard Business School Press, 2019) and The Upside of Uncertainty (Harvard Business School Press, 2020). He has published broadly in Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, Forbes, Inc, and academic journals. He is an Innosight Fellow, has been nominated for the Thinkers 50 Innovation Award, and works with leading companies such as Google, Microsoft, Citi, ING, Philips, Solvay and others.