We get it, you’re busy. So, the Convene editors have curated the latest tips and trends in the world of work for you. Take a look at what caught our eye this past week.
35 Smart Questions Great Candidates Ask During Job Interviews
Inc. asked over 1 million LinkedIn followers their favorite questions to ask potential employers. The key to landing the job? Making the interview a two-way conversation.
The Surprising Strategy for Upping Your Excellence Over the Long Haul of Remote Work
The authors of ‘Unleashed’ argue for Fast Company that now more than ever, we need to use our resources strategically and give up the fantasy that we can excel in every aspect of our lives.
How to Fight Back Against the Impostor Syndrome Phenomenon
Imposter Syndrome is one of the many challenges professionals confront and wrestle with daily, but don’t openly talk about. Forbes has 6 ways for you to combat the psychological phenomenon that makes you feel inadequate, like a fraud, undeserving of your position, and that you don’t belong in the job you hold.
How to Do a Better Job of Listening When You’re Remote
In virtual communication, we don’t get the nonverbal cues we normally get from in-person conversations. Fast Company shares three powerful ways to listen virtually to ensure your audience knows that you’re keyed into what they’re saying.