We get it, you’re busy. So, the Convene editors have curated the latest tips and trends in the world of work for you. Take a look at what caught our eye this past week.
Return to Work Anxiety? You’re Not Alone
As we have collectively adapted to the disruptive effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have all had to evolve our behaviors in life and at work to adapt and thrive. It took a lot to figure out how to be successful in this new scenario. It made us learn to flex new muscles, and now you may be worried that you’ve grown too comfortable working from home. Forbes explores the question: So now what?
Late-Stage Pandemic Is Messing With Your Brain
As the pandemic has taught us new habits and made old ones obsolete, our brains have essentially put activities like taking the bus and going to restaurants in deep storage and placed social distancing and coughing into our elbows near the front of the closet. When our routines change back, says Ellen Cushing for The Atlantic, presumably so will our recall.
Tips From Neuroscience to Keep You Focused on Hard Tasks
It’s common to struggle with difficult tasks, and managing those work challenges has grown more difficult with lockdowns, home-schooling, and other lifestyle changes due to the pandemic. Likewise, bouts of procrastination or work-avoidance are common to us all. There is no avoiding these experiences entirely, but Nature offers some strategies — like beware of the allure of easy tasks — that can help us be more productive.
The Flip Side of ‘Flexibility’: Working Moms Make the Powerful Case for Going Back to the Office
Remote work was long considered the promised land for working moms. But a year into the pandemic, many are eager to get back to their workplaces. Fast Company has more.