This webinar will take place at 13:00 CEST (Basel)/06:00 CT (Chicago).
AO is using Event Design to shape their events (one of which was in Basel) around the globe. The team at AO has applies a common language and is trained to apply the Event Design using the #EventCanvas methodology to analyze the past and shape the future of its events including major events and congresses for AO Foundation and its AOSpine & AOCMF communities of practice.
1.0 Clock Hour
DOMAIN G: Meeting or Event Design
Brought to you by:
Presenter: Nia Jenkins, CED
Sr Project Manager Events & Trustee Relations – AO Foundation, Dübendorf/ Davos, Switzerland
Presenter: Ruud Janssen, CMM, DES
Managing Partner – Event Design Collective – Oberdorf, BL, Switzerland
Presenter: Jonas Scharf
Managing Director Congress Center Basel at MCH Swiss Exhibition Ltd. – Basel, Switzerland