Abrams, aka Doctor Rachel, is a board-certified family and integrative medicine physician and holistic health expert who — when not seeing patients — teaches classes and workshops, consults, and speaks to groups on a wide range of health issues. Her books include BodyWise: Discovering Your Body’s Intelligence for Lifelong Health and Healing.
We have forgotten what we need to be healthy. There is a chasm between the life and environment that we evolved to thrive in and the life and environment that most of us are living in. Perhaps the most shocking example of this is that we will live longer lives than our children will. For the first time in our country, our children are expected to have shorter life spans than their parents. … As a mother of three, I find this frightening, and as a physician, I know that this does not need to be our future.”
More info: doctorrachel.com
ABOUT PASS THE MIC: Looking to make your next business event more diverse, inclusive, and welcoming? There’s no better place to start than with your speakers. We’ve hand-picked a few who may fly under the radar in the speaker circuit but raise the bar in making events more diverse — and way more interesting.