From smart career advice to job trends making headlines, Convene editors here bring you a roundup of what not to miss in the career arena.
What To Do When You Mess Up at Work
We all make mistakes, but at work they can be particularly painful. Here’s how to apologize — and make the best of a bad situation. Read more at Fast Company.
Help Wanted: Ninjas, Warriors, and Senseis
Here’s why inscrutable job listings from employers looking for ‘slavishly devoted employees’ are turning off women, experienced professionals, and parents. Read more at The Atlantic.
10 Work-Life Balance Myths
No, you can’t have it all. Here’s how 10 myths about work-life balance are stressing you out. Plus find tips on how to find balance. Read more at Entrepreneur.
Don’t Forget To Say ‘Thank You’
Some 80 percent of HR managers found a thank-you note helpful, according to one study, which also found that only about one-quarter of job applicants send them. Here, according to Forbes, is how to send yours.