Weiss, Ph.D., teaches students how to be more compassionate leaders, including those at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, where Weiss has taught “Leading With Mindfulness and Compassion.” She also teaches in Stanford’s Compassion Cultivation Training program, founded by the Dalai Lama. An author, her books include How We Work: Live Your Purpose, Reclaim Your Sanity, and Embrace the Daily Grind.
When our larger goal or purpose is clear, we know where to put our attention. We can tackle the task at hand instead of focusing on, say, a negative reaction from a colleague or the emotions we feel as a result of that reaction. If our purpose is squarely in mind and we are able to focus on that higher purpose, we don’t get carried away by emotions or unwanted events.”
More info: youtube.com/watch?v=zJSg-7bSn6A
ABOUT PASS THE MIC: Looking to make your next business event more diverse, inclusive, and welcoming? There’s no better place to start than with your speakers. We’ve hand-picked a few who may fly under the radar in the speaker circuit but raise the bar in making events more diverse — and way more interesting.