How to Prep for a Podcast

Author: Convene Editors       

Jay Baer, CSP, knows a thing or two about podcasts. The founder of Convince & Convert, a strategy consulting firm, serves as host to two of the firm’s podcasts, Social Pros and Marketing Marvels. “We said, ‘What if we had a podcast where we interviewed our future consulting clients?’ That was the gambit,” Baer said. At Convening Leaders, Baer took time to speak with Convene‘s David McMillin about this popular digital platform and how he prepares before welcoming guests onto his shows. 

Baer presented a session titled, “The 365-Day Event: Using Digital Content to Drive Year-Round Engagement,” where he discussed ways to trigger FOMO (fear of missing out) among potential event participants using digital pre-event coverage, as well as using real-time content and social media to increase event impact.

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