There are three important themes in any in-person experience, says Kare Anderson, an Emmy-winning former NBC and Wall Street Journal reporter, who is an expert on behavior that connects us together.
“If you think about a movie, it’s the opening scene, the closing scene, and the climactic moment in between,” she said. “Ironically, the scene that’s most important in shaping how [attendees] feel about the meeting is the one that’s usually most neglected, and that is the closing scene.
“As I am leaving the scene, do you give me something? Do people shake hands? Do we see along the hallway, projected on the walls or on butcher paper along the walls or [on] banners, quotes that we heard? Does someone walk up to me with a video camera — it doesn’t have to be perfect or even professional, but there’s a squad of 30 of them — and they’re saying, ‘What is the specific tip that you found most helpful, just a sentence or two?’ And it focuses the attendee on what they most enjoyed.”
Here is more from our archives from Kare, along with consultant Greg Fuson, and Dave Serino, founder of TwoSixDigital, about connecting with attendees.